Trans Job Opportunities

Are you transgender or non-binary and struggling to be accepted in the workplace? The UK financial services sector could be the answer.

Employers must offer the same opportunities to every employee and treat everyone in the workplace fairly and with respect, regardless of whether they are transgender or not.

However, as many transgender individuals find out when they’re looking for employment, this is not the case. For someone who is non-binary, it can be even more complicated.

Gender aside, imagine you have performed tremendously well at school, earned a degree, yet are being turned down for jobs you are qualified for purely for the way you look or talk.

If this happened to you how would you feel? We bet you’d feel infuriated.

There are stories of transgender men and woman who face this issue with every job application they submit.

In fact, studies have shown that transgender people are over four times more likely than the general population to have a low household income, and 1 in 3 employers won’t hire a transgender candidate.

That’s despite the fact that transgender individuals are 47% more likely than the general population to have either an undergraduate or postgraduate degree.

What’s the answer?

Several firms in the UK financial sector might just have the answer as there’s been a noticeable uptick in the number of vacancies targeted purely for transgender individuals.

A recent survey revealed that the financial services industry is most open to the idea of hiring transgender workers and this is reflected by the number of job opportunities we’re seeing today.

For many years, diversity and inclusion were purely buzz words around Canary Wharfe. However, many financial services firms such as HSBC, Halifax and Santander, are leading the way by not just being inclusive with corporate policy, but also on social media and national advertising.

We spoke to Mark Griswold from the financial comparison site Readies who are on target to hire 5 transgender employees this year as part of their inclusion policies. He says:

We just like to do our bit. There are many other firms in the financial service sector that are less bold than ourselves. Some of them do have support groups that include an LGBT group, but most of their efforts remain behind closed doors so it hard to see what is truly happening.

Our stance has always been to prove our inclusiveness. We have two goals at Readies. The first is to have a lasting impact on our customers and the second is to attract and retain the best talent. We can’t do either if we aren’t attracting a broad set of the best available talent. Therefore, we need LGBTQ people.


Trans Job Opportunities

You can view some of the latest vacancies here:

How To Find a Job Opportunity

Caroline Dawson of YBS, transitioned while working as a mortgage broker.

Although she worked at a firm who were not overly familiar with the transgender community, she advises:

Strictly speaking, most people will be highly supportive, and some will actually surprise you. Of course, you will have achievements, triumph and, yes, disaster. But, this is all part of the process.

Caroline advises any transgender person looking to financial services as a career choice to just go for it!

“There is so much opportunity and there is no reason but your own fear keeping you from pursuing your dreams.” She says.

Three Ways Trans People Can Get Into the Financial Industry

1. Seek out other transgender financial workers on Facebook and LinkedIn

Find someone else in the industy. This will be invaluable to you, as these individuals have created a path that you can follow. It’s also likely that they’re working for a supportive employer. That can work to your advantage.

2. Seek out non LGBTQ people who work in financial services

There are thousands of people in the UK who work or have worked in financial services. As Caroline Dawson revealed, you might be surprised at just how many will be your advocates and champions.

If you need to acquire new skills or feel underqualified, there are plenty of resources. For example, there are financial planning courses, such as the Manchester Metropolitan University that are looking for all types of candidates.

3. Champion your skills and talents over everything

We spoke to Arnold Nolan, owner of a UK law firm that he didn’t want to name, and he revealed he never made an issue of the fact that he was a trans man starting a business in the 1990s.

He focused on providing good service for his customers. This is true for all of us. You have skills so highlight and champion them.

Your skills, above all else, are what companies want. Prove your worth and the rest becomes secondary.

Although transgender households are more likely to be low income, we can change that.

There are thousands of job opportunities for transgender people, especially with companies in the financial services sector that want talented candidates.